Enfrijoladas with Chipotle Peppers
Mexican gastronomy is so vast. Its colors and flavors go so far that it would be so hard to name all the dishes that this beautiful country has to offer.
One of the reasons Mexican cuisine extends so much is because of the versatility one single ingredient can bring to the table. We are experts in creating ten different dishes from one single element.
There is no secret that tortillas are a key factor to all our food. With them, specially corn tortillas, we can create a hundred of different recipes. Some may seem similar to others, but the flavors are always varied and the tastiness guaranteed.
Enfrijoladas are not too different from Enchiladas. Both are made of tortillas rolled up with a filling of cheese or chicken. The difference is in the sauce. Where Enchiladas' sauce is mostly made from tomatoes and chiles; Enfrijoladas' sauce is made from beans and chiles.
Here we bring you and exquisite Enfrijoladas recipe made with our Chipotle Dried Chiles. We hope you enjoy!